Detailed documentation of the ALS scanner module
In here, you will find detailed documentation about ALS modules and processes.
From what a module is to how a process works, you will find everything you need to know about the bits and bolts of ALS.
An ALS module is an elaborated processing unit responsible for a specific task.
Modules are dumb and isolated. They have no knowledge of other parts of the application. They just do their job and report to the application
A utility module is a very simple module that is in charge of auxiliary tasks inside ALS.
ALS uses 2 utility modules:
A main module is a specialized module that is in charge of image processing.
A main module is started with ALS and keeps polling its queue for new images to process, until the application is closed.
flowchart LR START((Start)) TEST{{Image in Queue ?}} TAKE[Take Image from Queue] PROCESS[Process Image] BROADCAST[Broadcast Result] WAIT[Wait 20ms] START --> TEST TEST -- Yes --> TAKE TEST -- No --> WAIT TAKE --> PROCESS PROCESS --> BROADCAST BROADCAST --> WAIT WAIT --> TEST classDef bounds fill: #333, stroke: #666, stroke-width: 2px, color: #BBB, font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif classDef step fill: #444, stroke: #622, stroke-width:2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family: 'Poppins',sans-serif classDef wait fill: #444, stroke: #262, stroke-width: 2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif classDef test fill: #444, stroke: #226,stroke-width: 2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family:'Poppins', sans-serif class START bounds class TEST test class TAKE step class PROCESS step class BROADCAST step class WAIT wait
ALS has 4 main modules:
A pipeline is a specialized main module that splits its work by handing its image over to a series of simple tasks called processes.
It manages the list of processes to run on the images in its queue and the order in which they are executed.
It ensures that each process is executed in order, with each process working on the result of the previous one.
Once the last process is done, the pipeline broadcasts the result to the application.
flowchart LR START((Start)) TEST{{Image in Queue ?}} TAKE[Take Image from Queue] subgraph Process A[Process A] B[Process B] end BROADCAST[Broadcast Result] WAIT[Wait 20ms] START --> TEST TEST -- Yes --> TAKE TEST -- No --> WAIT TAKE --> A A -.-> B B --> BROADCAST BROADCAST --> WAIT WAIT --> TEST classDef bounds fill: #333, stroke: #666, stroke-width: 2px, color: #BBB, font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif classDef step fill: #444, stroke: #622, stroke-width:2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family: 'Poppins',sans-serif classDef process fill: #333, stroke: #622, stroke-width: 2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif classDef wait fill: #444, stroke: #262,stroke-width: 2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family:'Poppins', sans-serif classDef test fill: #444, stroke: #226, stroke-width: 2px, color: #c6c6c6, font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif class START bounds class TEST test class TAKE step class A process class B process class BROADCAST step class WAIT wait
2 of the main modules are pipelines:
A process is the smallest processing unit in ALS
It is managed by its parent pipeline and is responsible for a specific task to perform on a given image.
As implied earlier, ALS is split into two realms:
Below is the detailed flow within each realm.
From the file system to the Stacker module
flowchart LR subgraph Filesystem SCAN_FOLDER@{ shape: lin-cyl, label: "Scan Folder" } end subgraph Scanner Module SCANNER_ENGINE[Engine] end subgraph Preprocess Module direction TB PREPROCESS_ENGINE[Engine] HOT_PIXEL[Hot Pixel Removal] DARK_SUB[Dark Subtraction] DEBAYER[DeBayer] end subgraph Stacker Module direction TB STACK_ENGINE[Engine] end SCAN_FOLDER -.-> SCANNER_ENGINE SCANNER_ENGINE -.-> PREPROCESS_ENGINE PREPROCESS_ENGINE -.-> STACK_ENGINE classDef module fill:#333,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:2px classDef main_module fill:#333,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:4px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef process fill:#262626,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:1px,color:#c3c3c3,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef folder fill:#555,stroke:#970,stroke-width:2px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef display fill:#555,stroke:#222,stroke-width:2px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif class SCANNER_ENGINE module class PREPROCESS_ENGINE main_module class STACK_ENGINE main_module class HOT_PIXEL process class DARK_SUB process class DEBAYER process class SCAN_FOLDER folder
From the Stacker module to the displays and output filesystem
flowchart LR subgraph Stacker Module direction TB STACK_ENGINE[Engine] end subgraph Process Module direction TB PROCESS_ENGINE[Engine] STRETCH[Autostretch] LEVELS[Levels] COLOR_BAL[Color Balance] end subgraph Save Module direction TB SAVE_ENGINE[Engine] end subgraph Filesystem direction TB WEB_FOLDER@{ shape: lin-cyl, label: "Web Folder" } WORK_FOLDER@{ shape: lin-cyl, label: "Work Folder" } end subgraph Server Module direction TB SERVER_ENGINE[Engine] end subgraph GUI direction TB SCREEN@{ shape: curv-trap, label: "Central zone" } HISTOGRAM@{ shape: curv-trap, label: "Histogram" } end STACK_ENGINE --> PROCESS_ENGINE PROCESS_ENGINE --> SAVE_ENGINE PROCESS_ENGINE ---> SCREEN PROCESS_ENGINE ---> HISTOGRAM SAVE_ENGINE --> WEB_FOLDER SAVE_ENGINE --> WORK_FOLDER WEB_FOLDER --> SERVER_ENGINE classDef module fill:#333,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:2px classDef main_module fill:#333,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:4px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef process fill:#262626,stroke:darkred,stroke-width:1px,color:#c3c3c3,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef folder fill:#555,stroke:#970,stroke-width:2px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif classDef display fill:#555,stroke:#222,stroke-width:2px,color:#c6c6c6,font-family:'Poppins',sans-serif class STACK_ENGINE main_module class PROCESS_ENGINE main_module class SAVE_ENGINE main_module class SERVER_ENGINE module class SCREEN display class HISTOGRAM display class STRETCH process class LEVELS process class COLOR_BAL process class WEB_FOLDER folder class WORK_FOLDER folder
Detailed documentation of the ALS scanner module
Detailed documentation of the ALS Preprocess module
Detailed documentation of the ALS Stack module
Detailed documentation of the ALS Save module